Marketing excesses of eyelash extensions

The cil extension is one of the trendy services that appeal to a wide range of customers. However, some results are not representative of what can be achieved with eyelash extensions. Hence the importance of receiving "real" training in an approved centre and working with quality and well-known products! Today with hindsight, here are 2 examples of excesses:
  • The extensions
  • Silk and mink
Arguments put forward: silkier, lighter, more supple... Observation: When it is a question of real silk or mink, it is animal hair, which is formally forbidden for sale in Europe. The Asians, strong of their ingenuity, have arranged in self-adhesive strips different lengths and different thicknesses of extensions in the same box. At the base they are always polyester fibres, which they have coated either with a very shiny solution, these are the silk lashes called SILK, or with a less shiny solution, these are the mink lashes called MINK lashes. They finally sold you the same thing, plus allergen. With hindsight: The advertising message being confusing, many eyelash stylists were seduced and bought back fake silk or mink eyelashes, which did not bring any more money and finally burdened the cash flow of the professionals. In addition, these SILK or MINK extensions have raised the awareness of many customers. Many complaints following the installation of these extensions occurred!!! So many disappointed clients who are not interested in this service and give today a mixed image of eyelash extensions. A sensitized eye is an eye that will no longer accept any other alternative, even going back to the basic polyester because the body defends itself! Don't take any risks! Polyester remains the least allergic fibre because it is the most worn fibre in the world today (clothing). Osé Group markets to all eyelash stylists polyester extensions that have proved their worth over the years. As supple and light as a natural lash, when it is well adapted, thanks to the analysis of the lash fringe that we have developed, the lash extension does not move until the lash falls naturally.

The Russian volume

Arguments put forward: A more voluminous result for an intensely glamorous, let's say even theatrical look! The Russian volume consists in applying 3 to 6 thinner extensions (from Ø 0.05 as opposed to the classic lash extension: the thickness starts at 0.10) on 1 natural lash. Before launching this new technique, we scrupulously studied it. A beauty Institute had received a Russian volume professional, Elena Glazkova. Then, we tested it on several models that we regularly brought in for their fillings for 1 year, we wanted to see how the lash fringe of the models evolved. Observation: The clients who would need this technique, to give more volume, are finally those who have fringes with sparse lashes, and often fine lashes. In order not to damage these lashes, it is therefore necessary to be extremely attentive because to give volume, it would be necessary to apply up to 6 extensions (i.e. in the end a total thickness of 0.30). This is much too heavy for natural lashes, whatever their nature. Another problem encountered is the growth of natural lashes. With the tips of the 3 to 6 extensions, the fringe will be tighter. This will disturb the growth of the anagen lashes, which are smaller and finer, and which, in this jungle, will no longer be able to grow properly. For the strongest ones, they will push down upwards, or frizzy, while for people in deficiency, the lashes will stop growing altogether. With hindsight: Once the Russian volume extensions are applied after 6, 9 or 12 months, some models end up with completely damaged eyelash fringes. We can see that the more we go towards the middle of the fringe, the shorter and finer the lashes are compared to the initial lashes. And on the professional side, let's calculate the cost of this new training, the products to buy back, let's take into account the time to perform this service, the price charged, and the number of clients who will eventually become loyal, it is not at all a profitable operation! In summary, many products and techniques are launched on the market, and are often requested by your customers. Before implementing them, study them carefully so as not to disappoint them.

Know how to say no!

It is necessary to know how to say NO and explain clearly their inconveniences. Don't let yourself be seduced by fashion effects. Your best guarantee is a clientele fully satisfied by your professionalism. In confidence, they will remain loyal to you! Let's go back to the essence of this "beautiful" technique. The eyelash extension (classic eyelash to eyelashes like those available at for instance) is a revolutionary service, which, applied according to the rules of the art, makes it possible to embellish the eyes, without any contraindication. Of course, suppliers must innovate to boost the sector. However, it is also necessary to take the necessary distance in order to propose "real innovations", which will not present any danger, neither for professionals nor for consumers... Choosing the right supplier is therefore essential! Know how to say NO to fashion effects. Too often ephemeral, and too quickly launched on the market, the lack of hindsight and bad surprises can have serious consequences for your institutes.

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